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Can my home loan really have zero closing costs?


Looking for a purchase or refinance quote?


Finally. A lender who gets it

When a better rate comes along trust Miller Lending to help seal the deal.

We’re like your your favorite dating app; but for home loans.


Miller Lending charges no closing costs. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying now or refinancing your current mortgage loan. Homeowners who choose to work with us can immediately save up to $5000. And we’ve been helping North Carolinians just like you do this for over 30 years.

This big financial decision is not just about your monthly mortgage payment. Time and interest are never on your side. You want to get in without the high costs of closing. Because you know you’re likely to get out of your loan sooner rather than later.

Why pay extra for something that’s optional like closing costs? After all, we’re pretty sure they started when a guy walked into a bank one day and the broker invented them on the spot. Now, we’ve ALL been paying them for far too long. And at Miller Lending, we let you keep that $5000 where it rightfully belongs… In Your Pocket.